Would you like to Honor Your Deepest Soul Truth, Embrace Your Worth & Live Pure Peaceful Presence?

Psychic Sound Healer

Smiling woman with curly hair enjoying outdoors, wearing purple clothing and necklace.

Michele is an inspiring healer, a clairvoyant who channels her team of Spirit Guides as she reads your aura, accesses your Akashic Records and Tunes-In To Your Soul Purpose!

Michele supports the potential of rewiring your cells and nervous system. She helps people lift themselves up into their highest self and live their soul purpose with vision, intuition, clarity and peacefulness.  When we're all living our soul purpose, we have the ability to create Peace on Our Planet.

Through learning the HighVibe Process, you are able to scan your soul & check-in with your essential energy field in all situations. You can heal the pain of your "mommy-daddy crap" & unsolved past life issues to truly live a High Vibe Life with Healed Heart Vitality in Pure Peaceful Presence.

Bring your questions so you can:
· Transform your relationships, emotions, finances & health
· Learn about your past lives
· Meet your spirit guides & angels
· Connect with your ancestors & beloveds on the other side
· Receive psychic development mentoring
· Create your Business Vision & Strategies

In-person or On Zoom

Person doing sound healing by the ocean with bowls and instruments

Michele Newman
Priestess of Pure Peaceful Presence

Michele, an internationally known Clairvoyant & Channel reads your aura & accesses your Akashic Records.

Michele is a Singer-Songwriter, Priestess of Isis & Shechinah, Spiritual Director for your Spirit Path, Jewish Cantorial Leader & Sacred Sound Alchemist.

Michele channels Divine Download of High Vibration Resonance with intuitive awareness that always holds an intention for healing as her voice accesses Angelic Singing in harmony with her Alchemical Crystal Bowl Orchestra.

She utilizes Sacred Sound for Women with Cancer to tune in to their healing process.

Her Sound Journey may take you into another world, stirring up thoughts & feelings that help release, heal and inspire growth. The resonant sounds enhance deep relaxation/meditation as well as stimulate awareness and creativity.

As your Sound Journey ends, you will likely feel refreshed, relaxed, supported and grounded.. Michele loves to work with people in individual sessions, lead ceremonies & events, and facilitate playshops that Buff Up Your Spiritual Immune System.

HighVibe Living for Positive Change!

In-person or On Zoom

Purple flower of life geometric pattern with glowing points