Heart-shaped pulse line illustration

Sound Healing

Person holding a singing bowl on a beach with waves and a rock formation in the background.

Crystal Sound Bowls

“Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation.”
- Nikola Tesla

Crystal sound waves are a powerful, visceral tool for restoring harmony of body, heart, mind & soul and helping you connect with higher consciousness.

Sacred Sound Alchemy possesses the ability of sound and light to heal and transform lives. You can experience how Michele’s Angelic Voice and Crystalline Sound activates your Chakra Energy Centers and integrates your body, heart, mind & soul into a unified field so you ground and anchor into your natural flow on Planet Mama.

“Our entire biological system, the brain, and Earth itself, work on the same frequencies.”
-Nikola Tesla

Rhythm of Breath, Rhythm of Heart

Person playing crystal singing bowls surrounded by candles and outdoor greenery, engaging in a meditative or healing session.

Rhythm & Harmonics are the New Holy Hygiene!

We live in vibration & rhythm:  This is Harmony!

Physics has proven this vibrational biofield.
We are flowing in the universal frequency. 

Our souls attune with Cosmic Music of the Spheres
in the vibration of our hearts!

Experience high-vibe resonance
in your group events or private sound sessions…

Breathe Deep into your Pure Peaceful Presence with this 5-minute Video Meditation

Colorful singing bowls arranged on a display table.

Welcome To Sing Your Soul Song!

Michele’s Special Message for People with Cancer Diagnosis and Why She Does this Work:

If you're like so many people I've accompanied on their cancer journey
♦ Cancer makes you feel stressed or confused
♦ You feel betrayed by your body - shocked!
♦ You're overwhelmed by helpful advice
♦ Too many medical appointments
♦ Feel a lack of personal power
♦ Sometimes fearful of speaking up
♦ Do you ever want to yell... STOP! I NEED PEACE!!!

Colorful illuminated crystal singing bowls arranged on a mat indoors.

“I see how this can improve cancer symptoms. Very conducive to healing & relaxation! I feel happier and more open.

I came here very anxious. Now, my mind is clearer, more open and my anxiety is gone.

I like closing my eyes and hearing your chanting and the bells. I love the clear vibration of the healing crystal bowl. It feels like a living organism that enters my chest cavity and is so relaxing. Your voice is also relaxing and beautiful. You sing all the right tones.”

Mary Worthy, Now In Remission

“My physical pains have disappeared. I feel a loving, compassionate heart and calm mind. I feel like a different person today, like a new me being reborn & able to face the same difficult situations in my life.

Thank you so much, Michele. Our sound healing session made such a big difference in my life physically, mentally & spiritually.”

Miriam T.

“Michele, you are uniquely qualified to bring people to a greater sense of peace in their experience of dealing with cancer.

I always feel safe & deeply nurtured. I'm in awe of your profound wisdom, your intuitive hits, and the insightful awareness you bring into my experience. You are always on target and are helping me to discover and heal the deep core wounds which triggered the situation in the first place. I am so grateful for your wonderful work.

Michele helped me through the most difficult journey of my life when I faced breast cancer.  I give her my highest recommendation. She is adept at working with people who are in cancer diagnosis crisis. Her methodology is gentle, supportive, loving and very powerful. Everyone knows someone battling cancer.  Michele's work is needed in this world. 

Michele, you rock! Thank you.”   

Randy Peyser (In Remission)

I dedicate my work to my Mom.

My mother sang to me and played music the whole time she was pregnant with me.  She was an opera singer and music was her life.  I was bathed in music as I floated in amniotic fluid throughout my whole growing as a fetus .  I’m sure my listening started before I was physically birthed!

After my birth, Music was always part of our family life. My parents were both musicians and our whole family sang constantly! 

I was inspired with Crystalline Sound Healing when I lived the cancer journey with my mother. I so wanted to help her with everything she was going through. 

All my work is dedicated to my mother, Fay.
This is for you, Mom!  

Three people, two women and one man, standing outside smiling. The woman on the left wears glasses and a light-colored blouse, the woman in the center has curly hair and a white outfit, and the man on the right wears sunglasses, a dark suit, and a tie. Trees in the background.

Michele with her Mom, Fay,
and Dad, Harry